Plan B (2025)

Once upon a time, a teenage girl finds herself pregnant after having a one-night stand with a nearby boy who is intelligent but introverted in manner. She totally gets desperate as she cannot see her future and even at the point where she makes an irrevocable decision to solve the problem. As a way to be able to live a wealthy life and a life with the highest potential, she goes to an appealing, successful man. Skilfully and through planning, she begins a false relationship with him and pretends that the child is his. Nevertheless, the problem of her described made up story getting out of control over time and thus affecting her inner balance follows, with the reality pressure on her. Follow Bflix Comedy Movies for more.

Plan B Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Plan B (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Comedy, Romance
Director: Brandon Tamburri
Writer: Jean S. Monpère, Brandon Tamburri
Stars: Jamie Lee, Jon Heder, Shannon Elizabeth

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